Selected as Berkeley McNair Research Fellow in the field of water treatment. The development of synthetic leaves aids the advancement of optimized desalination processes in the face of increasing fresh water depletion. Leaf synthesis functions as an ideal catalyst for solar desalination and functions as the inspiration of my development of biomimetic condensation interfaces, which will capture all evaporated water via synthetic leaves, and condense for future global consumption.
• Selected as one of 26 research scholars across UC Berkeley where I specialize in delivering innovative design models and technical application with the intention of enhancing global water equity
• Developed Bio-Inspired Graphene-Oxide synthetic leaves through vacuum filtration to optimize solar desalination evaporation rates
• Prepared novel experiment praxis for efficient implementation of biphilic water vapor condensers
• Participated in research meetings by contributing ideas and reporting progress
• Disseminated research findings during the National McNair Symposium at UCLA to generate awareness and support for global water crisis
• Developed official scientific article for the consideration of the National McNair Scholars Research Journal